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/ Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library / LANGUAGE OS.iso / lisp / kcl / kcl.lha / lsp / defmacro.data < prev    next >
Text File  |  1986-07-03  |  1KB  |  75 lines

  2. #(
  3. #!
  4. (lisp::in-package 'user::lisp)
  5. #!
  6. (lisp::export '(lisp::&whole lisp::&environment lisp::&body))
  7. #!
  8. (lisp::in-package 'lisp::system)
  9. system::*dl*
  10. system::*key-check*
  11. system::*arg-check*
  12. lisp::&rest
  13. "The defmacro-lambda-list ~s is not a list."
  14. lisp::&whole
  15. lisp::&environment
  16. lisp::&aux
  17. lisp::unless
  18. lisp::getf
  19. :allow-other-keys
  20. lisp::do
  21. system::vl
  22. (lisp::cddr system::vl)
  23. ((lisp::endp system::vl))
  24. lisp::member
  25. (lisp::car system::vl)
  26. lisp::quote
  27. (system::dm-key-not-allowed (lisp::car system::vl))
  28. lisp::endp
  29. (system::dm-too-many-arguments)
  30. lisp::declare
  31. lisp::ignore
  32. lisp::lambda-block
  33. 1
  34. 0
  35. lisp::&optional
  36. lisp::&body
  37. lisp::&key
  38. lisp::&allow-other-keys
  39. lisp::keyword
  40. 'system::failed
  41. lisp::if
  42. lisp::eq
  43. 'system::failed
  44. lisp::not
  45. 'system::failed
  46. lisp::null
  47. (system::dm-too-few-arguments)
  48. 4
  49. lisp::cddddr
  50. lisp::car
  51. lisp::cadr
  52. 2
  53. lisp::caddr
  54. 3
  55. lisp::cadddr
  56. lisp::cdr
  57. lisp::cddr
  58. lisp::cdddr
  59. "Defmacro-lambda-list contains illegal use of ~s."
  60. "Too few arguments are supplied to defmacro-lambda-list."
  61. "Too many arguments are supplied to defmacro-lambda-list."
  62. "The key ~s is not allowed."
  63. system::defmacro*
  64. system::dm-vl
  65. system::dm-v
  66. system::dm-nth
  67. system::dm-nth-cdr
  68. system::dm-bad-key
  69. system::dm-too-few-arguments
  70. system::dm-too-many-arguments
  71. system::dm-key-not-allowed
  72. system::find-doc
  73. system::find-declarations
  74. )